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Sheeit. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If you were going under for open-heart surgery, would you want your surgeon to be: a) the best and smartest at medical school, or, b) the “right” race?

If the woke have their way, you won’t have any choice but to opt for b, and hope that Daquan knows what he’s doing.

The University of California, Los Angeles David Geffen Medical School has been heavily prioritizing race in admissions while the school has fallen in rankings.

So, they’re almost as bad as New Zealand, where Maori and Pasifika applicants are granted Very Special admissions.

How confident would you be, as a patient, going under the knife of Shaniqua like this?

According to the Washington Free Beacon, when a Black candidate in November 2021 applied with test scores and grades well below the average for UCLA, the admissions committee expressed skepticism and argued the candidate wasn’t a good fit.

Dean of Admissions Jennifer Lucero […] argued that low grades and test scores shouldn’t matter too much, adding “we need people like this in the medical school.”

I rather suspect that potential patients would think that a low grade doctor would matter to them very much indeed. They also matter to the applicants. As Charles Murray points out, artificially pushing low-achieving students up the ladder works against them. Thrown a black average IQ student into a class full of hyper-intelligent, high-achieving Jewish, Asian and Indian students, and the end result is grimly predictable.

”I have students on their rotation who don’t know anything,” one admissions committee member said. “People get in and they struggle.”

And resentful.

A professor described one operating room incident, during which a student could not identify a major artery when asked. The professor says the student proceeded to become angry and yell at the professor, saying that she had been put on the spot.

Because you’re not going to be put on the spot when a patient is bleeding out on the table, hey Sharkiesha?

The “diversity” push isn’t working out so well for the medical school, either.

The changes in admissions have had a dramatic impact on the medical school’s overall rankings. Since Lucero was hired in 2020, UCLA has dropped in the U.S. News & World Report’s rankings for medical research from 6th to 18th.

Additionally, over 50% of its students failed standardized tests on family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, and pediatrics.

Campus Reform

Oh, no, they d’in’t!

As I always advise, when judging such DEI nonsense, simply flip the script and see if it flies.
After all, what would you make of this?

We need more White doctors. Every single time a White patient smiles at the White face they see on my ID badge (the real one is being covered with a mask), I know what they’re thinking. You are me, I am you. Being White is my superpower.

Ha, just kidding. No White person in their right mind would say this, if they wanted their career to last even a nanosecond.

Dress it up in blackface and throw a chin tattoo on it, though, and we’re supposed to eat up such blatant racism and call it aihikirimi.

We need more Maori doctors. Every single time a Maori patient smiles at the kauae they see on my ID badge (the real one is being covered with a mask), I know what they’re thinking. Ko au ko koe, ko koe ko au. You are me, I am you. Being Maori is my superpower.


But the open segregation at US universities is blatant and pervasive, from admission to graduation.

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas hosted five “affinity” graduation events, for Asian and Pacific American, “Latinx,” Native American, African American, and LGBTQ-identifying students this May.

Campus Reform

The Klan couldn’t have arranged it better.
