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Dr Reti Clears up a Few Things on the Hui

The BFD. National MP Shane Reti

The attached interview cleared up a few things for me. If you haven’t seen it, it may help make the National party’s position clear on co-governance.

What is clear is that the media are set on muddying the waters and if Luxon gets one syllable out of synch they are in there, trying to make trouble, saying he is flip-flopping and confused, when he isn’t.

Credit to Mihingarangi Forbes who keeps her composure despite obviously not agreeing with most of what Dr Reti says. Maybe it’s just his serious manner, media-savvy, knowledge of his subject and mana that sees him come out well each time he is interviewed.

He certainly knows his subject, unlike Poto Williams, who as a minister of the crown, constantly needs to get back to interviewers. Shane Reti, Opposition Spokesperson for Health, knows exactly what he would do as Health Minister and is never lost for words on the subject of future health decisions and his party’s opposition to the health restructure.

Now that the polls have changed the media will be forced to treat the National party with a bit more respect. Whatever they think, the people have spoken and they are not the ‘Deplorables’ (to quote Hillary Clinton) because they don’t agree with the current government of the day.

Life expectancy for Maori has improved since 1840, National’s Dr Shane Reti claims | Newshub
