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Coronavirus outbreak. Pathogen affecting the respiratory tract. COVID-19 infection. Concept of a pandemic, viral infection. Coronavirus inside a human. Viral infection causing chronic disease. 3D illustration

We are at

Level 4

of New Zealand’s four-level COVID-19 alert system. It is likely Level 4 measures will stay in place for a number of weeks. More information on alert levels.

  • Everyone must now stay home, except those providing essential services.
  • Only make physical contact with those that you live with.

Government COVID-19 Response Briefing

The All of Government COVID-19 National Response will provide an update at 1.00 pm today.


  • Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
  • Dr Ashley Bloomfield, Director-General of Health

Ministry of Health Update:

  • 89 new cases. 48 of these are confirmed and 41 are probable.
  • 156 cases who have recovered from Covid-19. The total combined is now 1039.
  • 15 people in Hospital with Covid-19 with three in intensive care units. That’s two more than yesterday
  • 3093 tests processed yesterday
  • Still unbelievably claiming one per cent of the cases are confirmed to be community transmission. But 18 per cent are still being investigated. The rest have strong links to overseas travel.
  • Two new clusters have emerged (groupings of more than ten linked cases). This brings the total to 13. But still claiming small amount of community spread.

Prime Minister Briefing:

  • PM condescendingly lecturing
  • Claiming great success so far
  • Tanking the economy is now apparently the best thing for the economy!
  • Now talking about “going after” people
  • Snitch culture expanding
  • Now calling people idiots
  • Snippy about David Clark
  • Still has confidence, somehow
  • David Clark on the naughty stool. PM talking like a school ma’am

Yesterday’s details.

  • 52 new and 30 probable cases, 82 total new
  • 950 total cases
  • 10 in hospital, 1 in ICU
  • 127 people have “recovered”.
  • 2264 rolling seven day average for testing, 3631 tests completed yesterday
  • 33,116 total tests

COVID-19 – current cases

 Total to dateNew in last 24 hours
Number of confirmed cases in New Zealand87248
Number of probable cases16741
Number of confirmed and probable cases1,03989
Number of cases in hospital15 
Number of recovered cases15629
Number of deaths1 

View full details of the confirmed cases.

View details of significant COVID-19 clusters.

View interactive map and dashboard.

Confirmed and probable cases by DHB

Total cases by DHB in hospital

DHBNumber of casesChange in last 24 hours
Bay of Plenty311
Capital and Coast807
Counties Manukau777
Hawke’s Bay290
Hutt Valley180
Nelson Marlborough353
South Canterbury100
West Coast40

Download the Map of confirmed and probable cases by DHB (PDF, 282 KB).

Total cases in hospital by DHB

DHBTotal cases
Bay of Plenty1
Capital & Coast3
Counties Manukau2
Nelson Marlborough1
West Coast1

Epidemic Curve

Total Cases by Age and Gender

Ethnicity percentages of all cases


This information refers to the 950 confirmed and probable cases as at 9.00 am 5 April 2020.

Transmission type % of cases
Recent overseas travel45%
Contact with known case36%
Community transmission1%
Source under investigation18%

Source: ESR EpiSurv extract as at 09:00 4 April 2020

Lab testing

Lab TestingTests% DifferenceDate
Daily total3,093TBC4 April 2020
7-day rolling average2,4488%29 March to 4 April 2020
Total tested to date36,2099%9 March to 4 April 2020
Test capacity4,613TBC5 April 2020
Supplies in stock41,81368%5 April 2020

Source: ESR EpiSurv extract as at 09:00 5 April 2020.

Note: 1 new laboratory – Pathlab Tauranga – started testing on 4 April 2020 (11 tested).
