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The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

“Each- Way Albo” and “Scotty from Marketing” are both at it again on what is emerging as the defining Culture Wars issue of the election: transgender ideology versus women’s rights. PM Scott Morrison, who first backed, then backed away from, Liberal candidate Katherine Deves’ stance on transgender “women” competing in women’s sports, is taking the side of women again.

Anthony Albanese, on the other hand, is trying to have an each-way bet, with some carefully-worded deceit.

Anthony Albanese says it’s “not appropriate” to have non-gendered sport in schools and girls should be playing against girls.

The Labor leader responded to draft guidelines in the Northern Territory revealed by The Australian today encouraging teachers to organise “non gendered” sports teams, and said he didn’t support such measures.

Well, that all sounds very un-woke and pro-women, doesn’t it?

But read what he actually said, closely.

When asked about his view on transgender participation in women’s sport, Mr Albanese said “girls should be able to play sport against girls and boys should be able to play sport against boys”.

However, he said current legislation and sporting bodies were already empowered to manage that, and the government didn’t need to step in.

While that might sound as if Albanese is agreeing that trannies should be kept out of women’s sports, he’s actually saying the complete opposite.

“Girls should be able to play sport against girls.” According to transgender ideology — which Labor fully endorses in its policy documents — boys who say they are girls are girls. Even a strapping six-footer with schlong like a donkey is a “girl” if he “identifies” as one. The “current legislation and sporting bodies” that Albanese refers to say the same.

So, in fact, Albanese is endorsing trannies crushing women on the sporting field.

Meanwhile, Morrison, last week backed away from Warringah candidate Katherine Deves after transgender activists dug up old tweets where she — not unreasonably — described “transitioning” as mutilating and sterilising teenages, and tranny activists as “Nazis”. Perhaps sensing where middle Australia is headed on this issue, Morrison is back to having Deves’ back again.

Scott Morrison says he won’t allow Warringah Liberal candidate Katherine Deves to be “cancelled”, saying Australians are getting “pretty fed-up with having to walk on eggshells”.

Amid intense scrutiny of previous anti-trans comments made by Ms Deves, the Prime Minister has resisted calls from the moderate wing of the Liberal Party to disendorse her.

Mr Morrison said he will stand up against Australians being cancelled for their views on legitimate issues as he ramped up his defence of Ms Deves.

“I think Australians are getting pretty fed-up with having to walk on eggshells every day because they may or may not say something one day that’s going to upset someone,” he said.

The Australian

This is the conversation that the Australians who don’t live on Twitter and in inner-city cafes are having every day. The Australians who voted in good faith for gay marriage, only to find that suddenly their children are being indoctrinated with creepy transgender ideology from the moment they set foot in kindergarten.

If only Morrison would take a stand on other Culture War issues, instead of constantly trying to pander to the left, disaffected Coalition voters might come flocking back.
