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Editorial: I Wish to Declare a Financial Emergency

man holding banknote
Photo by Travis Essinger. The BFD

I think that it is fair to say that many people are more scared of lockdowns than they are of COVID-19 (the disease so dangerous that most need a Covid test to even know that they have it).

The damage the government-ordered lockdowns have caused to our economy is serious and ongoing. The mental anguish and trauma the rolling lockdowns are causing to businesses and their employees are unforgivable.

The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang
We now have a financial emergency because our constitution was not strong enough to protect New Zealand citizens from a government prepared to take away our liberty, to lock up the healthy and to shut down some businesses and not others on spurious and arbitrary grounds.

Sweden is the outlier in all of this in the world simply because its constitution denied its government the power to lock down the healthy and to shut down businesses. Their government wasn’t wiser than ours or any of the other governments that thought copying the actions of a communist dictatorship was a good idea. They didn’t lock down their citizens because they didn’t have the power to do so.

There is a lesson in there for us all as it is clear that neither the ACT Part nor the National Party is against the use of lockdowns. New Zealand’s financial emergency could have been prevented if we had a constitution that protected us from our politicians.

Lockdowns in New Zealand have caused far more harm to New Zealanders than Covid has by a country mile. Already more people have killed themselves in New Zealand than have been killed by Covid.

Lockdowns have prevented people from getting medical treatment for cancer and have prevented others from getting early diagnoses of cancer. Lockdowns have and continue to cause people serious mental distress. These rolling lockdowns are killing businesses that managed to survive the first big lockdown as uncertainty and the loss of perishable stock after each short notice lockdown results in losses that they can never recover, not to mention all the lost revenue.

The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang

After each new lockdown I wonder if my hairdresser will survive. I imagine many of you will have similar thoughts about your favourite businesses. My hairdresser is an excellent businesswoman and built her business up over decades. Under any other circumstances her business would be thriving. Seeing successful businesses being killed off by the government makes me very, very angry. The stress my hairdresser is being put under is unforgivable and her story is being repeated up and down the country.

It is criminal what the government is doing to our businesses. I am seeing more and more empty shops every time I go downtown. Never before in the history of the world have healthy people been locked down in response to a disease threat. It is not a rational or scientifically backed reaction and I cannot be the only person aghast that it has been allowed to happen.

Meme of the day. The BFD.

I feel that I must declare a Financial Emergency. Unlike the fake climate emergency, this emergency is very real and the root cause is not the Chinese Communist Virus but the Chinese Communist example of locking down the healthy which governments around the world have followed like lemmings.

The saddest part is that I can see no cure for the Lockdown virus. We need a constitutional vaccine to innoculate us against politicians who ruin our lives by taking us in and out of financially crippling lockdowns.

Do we have a political party with the will to create a constitution for New Zealand that will protect us from future attempts to lock us down and destroy our economy? Sadly I think that the answer to my question is a resounding no!


State of the Nation 2025

State of the Nation 2025

That government agencies are effectively thumbing their noses at official directives and getting away with it without consequences is totally unacceptable. Until the coalition confronts and defeats this ‘enemy within’, their own policy platform remains largely ineffective.

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