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‘El Woko Loco’ Story Gets Worse

Green list MP Ricardo Menendez March

The entitlement attitude of “El Woko Loco” aka Ricardo Menendez-March gets worse as more details come out. I suspect there is loads more to come on this rather stinky story:

Green MP Ricardo Menendez-March’s emergency application for an MIQ room was one of “only a couple” that were escalated to MBIE’s chief executive, a select committee has learned.

Menendez-March applied twice for a room after travelling to Mexico to see sick family members over summer.

The first time he applied as someone who provided a “critical public or health service” and the second time as someone who was required for “national security” or “national interest” reasons.

Top officials at MBIE, which runs the MIQ system, answered questions from MPs this morning.

Chief executive Carolyn Tremain said Mendendez-March’s application was one of “only a couple” that had been elevated to her attention.

“The basis was that applicant said there was a national interest dimension, the team felt unable to assess it and felt there might have been information I wasn’t aware of,” Tremain said.

The case of Kiwi Trevor Ponting, who is dying of brain cancer, was not escalated to the chief executive’s attention.

National Party covid-19 spokesperson Chris Bishop said there was special treatment for the MP, given there are thousands of applications for emergency allocations.

“There was absolutely special treatment,” he said.

“I think most New Zealanders would find that pretty galling.”

Yes, we do.

There can be no mistaking that “El Woko Loco” received special treatment. It matters not that it was refused, it matters that it was escalated in the first place.

As one wag commented on Twitter, “This guy really is the complete freedom fighter for the poor, underprivileged and downtrodden …. well right until the point he wants to step over everyone.”

How on earth is it “kindness” to deny special treatment for a dying brain cancer sufferer but entertain this fool’s spurious applications to circumvent the system.

Maybe the national security reason “El Woko Loco” applied under is his special expertise in swimming rivers and crossing borders.

Meanwhile his boyfriend’s visa application is now under review:

The head of Immigration is asking his officials to double-check whether they were right to approve a visa for Green MP Ricardo Menendez March’s partner.

And it’s been revealed out of the more than 2000 applications for an emergency spot in managed isolation, the MP’s was just one of two escalated to top brass.

But the politician says he’s confident his other half’s visa was above board and he didn’t receive any special treatment.

Menendez March’s partner lived in Mexico before coming to New Zealand on a six-month partner visa.

NZ Herald

Well, he did receive special treatment, in that it was escalated to the top brass who then spoke directly to two ministers. It matters not that he didn’t get it, he still had a crack at it when hundreds of others haven’t been able to.

I wonder if Immigration need help in their research?

He should be drummed out of office for this “do you know who I am” moment of lunacy.

The issue is not that he queue jumped, but that he tried to queue jump. If the Greens can’t see that is not good optics then they all need to go to Specsavers.

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