Phil Green
I don’t know about David Seymour’s wish for a four-year parliamentary cycle because considering the excitement and fuss generated within the past month, this is something I haven’t experienced since I was ten. Every three years is good enough for me, thank you very much, and having long dismissed Father Christmas, this is the next best thing.
The next best thing is having the brains beaten out of the leftist machine, being held to account by our resident conservatives, i.e. (not in order of significance) David Seymour, Winston Peters, and last but not least, Brian and Hannah Tamaki. All Maori, and please don’t bring out the phrenology pincers to measure David’s cranium to confirm (but a DNA test is just a step away).
The next best thing for me personally has been despite all commentary on the BFD about how lousy TV3’s Newshub is, they’re actually doing a pretty good job for a mainstream media organisation giving a voice to the opposition. Obviously, they’re leftist in their views, but who cares, they’re having our guys on to have a scrap. And boy, do they have a scrap! Here are just a few to peruse when you have the inclination.
This is combative politics at its best, with Erica Stanford besting Jan Tinetti on the education platform, Mark Mitchell running rings around Simon Shepherd and, of course, the bellicose Winston not giving an inch to Rebecca Wright.
While I mention Mark Mitchell, here’s a link to a salutary message he gave to the gang members’ hikoi, while they were trying to deliver a petition to National regarding its anti-gang platform.
This man is a legend, and frankly in my opinion could’ve led National to a success similar to Labour’s in 2020, if they’d chosen him. No-nonsense and brave, he has the courage to say what Luxon won’t. He’s run for the leadership before and failed, which as we know says more about National than Mark Mitchell, but I think this man’s someone to look out for. You don’t get the head of US forces in Iraq coming to visit to see what you’re doing right if you’re a nobody.
So, on the basis of the videos I’ve shown you, I do think that National is more than the leader, and Winston is certainly someone that Erica and Mark Mitchell can do business with.
Thank you Newshub, TV3, for providing real debate and arguments when we’d all gone home to watch the rugby. They may be leftist mouthpieces, but at least they gave our guys a platform – and we won.