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media Election 2020

I don’t mean to be rude, but I’d like to ask if anybody else finds these coincidences curious? While the NZ Greens are desperate to make 5% to maintain relevance and ensure left-wing government in NZ (remembering the overseas lefty votes have been the Greens’ saviours several times in getting over the line, with many of those ex-pat voters based in the UK), that the mighty, mighty BBC, erstwhile buttock-kissers of the sainted lady, decided to criticise ‘St Jaz’ yesterday, from the far-left point-of-view?


In a story featuring mysterious “Agnes”, no less, while failing to disclose ‘Agnes’ is also this ‘Agnes’:


Who is also this ‘Agnes’…spokesperson for very far-Left AAAP:


Who is also this ‘Agnes’ for whom, it seems, enough is never enough…


Just asking, for a friend: are the Poms meddling in our election?

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