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Electric Car Drivers Need to Stop Sponging off Taxpayers

Image credit: Zapmap

The most striking thing about the whole climate alarmism cult is just how thoroughly bourgeois it all is. Extinction Rebellion are a bunch of Etonian toffs playing dress-ups and inconveniencing working-class people. The “schools strikes” are awash with private school blazers. “Climate summits” are religious holidays for celebrities, a mix of pilgrimage and Club Med.

Even worse, these wealthy parasites relentlessly bleed the taxpayer to fund their millenarian fantasies and climate-religious indulgences. Solar panels are just one form of the middle-class welfare by which the bougy cultists of Gaia bilk taxpayers. Electric vehicles are another.

EVs are strictly for the wealthy, costing as much or more than a petrol luxury car. They’d be even more hideously expensive if they weren’t subsidised to the hilt by taxpayers.

Taxpayers who have just about had enough.

Electric vehicle drivers should be charged road-user costs, with 76 per cent of Australians calling on green-car owners to contribute to transport infrastructure, and ­almost one-in-two declaring it unfair they avoid paying fuel excise.

New polling obtained by The Australian reveals pushback against electric vehicle owners, with Australian motorists warning “there shouldn’t be one rule for them and another for us”.

But they’re middle-class and green. Of course, there’s one rule for them and another for we common oiks.

AAA managing director Michael Bradley said […]“Low emissions vehicle technologies are evolving rapidly and while no one wants the adoption of cleaner, safer cars stifled, Australia’s tax system needs to be updated if it is to be ready for the changes coming.

“The task in front of government is to fix a structural flaw in the federal budget by creating a national road access charge for low emission vehicles, which brings this growing fleet into the tax system without disincentivising uptake.”

[…]In February, the Electric ­Vehicle Council welcomed IA’s identification of the need to construct a national electric vehicle fast-charging network as a “high priority initiative for Australia”.

No, it’s a high-priority initiative for them. Let them pay for it. Just to show how outrageous the entitlement mentality of middle-class green sponges is, councils in Tasmania are installing free charging points for EV. Which is much the same as installing free petrol pumps for Audis and Beemers only.

“It’s their choice to get (an electric car) but they should pay too,” a respondent said.

Others said “when you think about it, it’s like tax avoidance”, “why should I subsidise them” and “it’s only fair they pay something”.

Why on earth should they pay for something out of their pockets? That’s what other peoples’ taxes are for.
