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You really have to engage with the Climate Cult to understand just how crazily immune to evidence and reason they really are. They make Flat Earthers and QAnon look like the epitome of rational debate. I’m not joking when I say that these people are truly, utterly demented.

It’s not just retarded teenagers babbling worst-case computer models as if they’re reality, or moronic hyphenated-surnames gluing themselves to priceless works of art. It’s the policy-makers and billionaire elites parroting the same reality-defying nonsense.

Everywhere that “renewables” have been adopted, the rate of their use is directly correlated with spiralling energy prices and collapsing grid security. Germany, which has long boasted of its “Energiewende” is now seriously debating whether to ration electricity to keep industry running, or keep homes heated.

Australia is also enduring a winter energy crisis, with spiking prices and major cities teetering on the edge of chronic blackouts. Governments are begging householders and even hospitals to ration electricity use. That this is directly linked to state governments forcing the closure of coal-fired stations, and green-besotted energy regulators and companies allowing the few remaining coal stations to deteriorate to the point of collapse doesn’t deter the green lunatics one whit.

No, they say: it only proves we need more renewables.

Many at the Nine newspapers were starry-eyed about their local tech hero bidding for an old-fashioned power company so he could close down its coal-fired power generators earlier than AGL had already planned […]

This paper’s environment editor Graham Lloyd summed it up perfectly, telling this column: “Mike says renewables freeloading off coal are cheaper so ipso facto, building five times as much renewables will be cheaper still.”

Next, they’ll be planting boiled potatoes, to save cooking them when they’re harvested.

If you thought that energy regulators would be more sober-minded, don’t kid yourself. These quangos have been relentlessly white-anted by union-run superannuation funds, wielding trillions in working-peoples’ retirement money.

They’re not completely insane, but close: even the head of the Energy Security Board quietly admits that coal stations will need to be kept online “so that we can actually keep the system going”. She also admits that the green loons’ beloved “big batteries”, “just aren’t a reliable capacity replacement”.

But green activists and scowling Swedish brats are just the useful idiots for some very, very, ruthlessly greedy ultra-rich people.

Mark Carney, vice-chair of Brookfield Asset Management, did however point to the reason this kind of deal is flourishing globally: “Energy transition will be one of the biggest investment opportunities of our lifetimes. It is estimated $US150 trillion will need to be invested globally through 2050 to drive the decarbonisation of energy markets.”

This column argued on October 18: “Investors are short-selling the fossil fuels industry because they can make more money on taxpayer-guaranteed renewables.”

The Australian

Their unprincipled greed is not just destroying electricity grids and leaving ordinary people with crippling power bills, it’s also enabling the world’s dictators.

Vladimir Putin and Xi Xinping can surely not believe their luck. The lunatic green-left and a handful of greedy billionaires have so wrecked energy systems that Europe is utterly dependent on Russia to keep its lights on, and the US has plundered its own strategic oil reserves, crippling its defence capacity.

You have to wonder whether these people are doing it all on purpose.
