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This Is Going to Hurt Me Far More than You. Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

The media have had a field-day over the Sharma affair.

The non-descript Hamilton MP came into Parliament as part of the Labour landslide, its principal reason being the then religious-like faith by dopey Kiwis that Jacinda was the second coming and had eliminated coronavirus.

It’s my pick circa 30 of those new MPs will be gone after the next election, including Sharma, albeit in his case, probably earlier, and all never to be heard of again.

Sharma fell out with his colleagues, initially over bullying claims, a seemingly common-place occurrence in Parliament.

His public outbursts deserved reporting for their unorthodoxy but that was weeks ago for God’s sake. But on and on and on it goes.

This farcical excessive publicised non-issue points up why the media are held in low regard. This is a great pity as there’s some exceptional New Zealand journalists doing excellent work who I don’t doubt, share these sentiments.

Let’s not hear any more Sharma stuff. It aint news, rather it’s a world-class beat-up.

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