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Errant Media Watchdogs Should be Shot ( Metaphorically of course)

The Epoch Times

UPDATE Editor’s note: Dear Stupid people. I don’t think any of you read The BFD but just in case you do this special warning is for you. Putting the dog down is just a saying. We do not want you or any other stupid people to actually hurt anyone let alone shoot them. I hope that clears up any confusion. It is called a metaphor.

The six o’clock fake news from our lying media is bereft of information about the hurdles Trump’s legal team and others are leaping to counter illegal voting in the heavily contested 2020 US election. Our MSM says con-man Biden is the clear winner in a free and fair election.

Gatestone says the US free press is the traditional watchdog over the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, but today that watchdog needs careful watching because it cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

The foundation on which the United States is built, freedom of speech and freedom of the press, is enshrined in the First Amendment to the US Constitution:”Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Before our eyes, however, this freedom is being distorted, strangled and withheld.


In New Zealand, our media watchdogs should be humanely shot. A quick, clean death is the kindest thing to do when mad dogs mercilessly savage the sheep they should be protecting.

If you believed the media watchdogs, you’d think Trump’s election campaign is dead in the water and totally out of options, which is not the case at all.

Our media repeatedly say Trump seeks legal remedy without one single shred of evidence of vote fraud. Baseless claims of vote-rigging, they say, looking the other way.

We are repeatedly told the exact opposite of the truth. It’s more than naivety or carelessness, it is a deliberate campaign against American democracy (and ours) when Facebook and Twitter CEOs censor, ban and slap “false information” notices on factual posts and videos.

Google US 2020 vote fraud and you will find rebuttals ranked ahead of the facts. It should come as no surprise that Zuckerberg funded the Democrats too.

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a national constitutional litigation organization, released the 39-page report, alleging that Zuckerberg’s $500 million given to election officials was used to treat voters unequally and improperly influence the election for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The Epoch Times

Despite enormous preparation of the gullible over four years of media and their cohorts painting Trump as a complete fool, Americans recognise that US election results constitute a significant threat to their democracy — and we should recognise that the final decision will affect our democracy too.

Anna Burns-Francis reporting for TV1 brooks no argument against the lies falling readily from her lips that are the only part of her face that moves, compliments of botox. The rest of her face is frozen solid in tandem with her immovable thought processes.

“Electoral College votes confirming what most of us knew already: Joe Biden won the White House – convincingly too! In any other year today would be a mere formality but this year the actions of Donald Trump and the Republican Party have threatened the very foundations of America’s electoral process.”


This shyster doesn’t need our endorsement: she has her cronies from CNN, MSNBC, ABC and others to congratulate her at any fashionable New York bar, fawning over her luck having a leading climate emergency proponent as leader. Imagine their adulation and compare it to their hatred of the immutable Donald Trump. Burns-Francis is an enthusiastic accomplice in their four-year vendetta against President Trump and on TV3 it’s exactly the same.

“The state-by-state votes, traditionally an afterthought, have taken on outsized significance this year because of Trump’s assault on the democratic process. Pushing false claims of widespread fraud, Trump has pressured state officials to throw the election results out and declare him the winner.”


In fact, the opposite is true: the biggest threat against democracy is the blatant vote rigging the media refuse to acknowledge.

If the election was as cut and dried as media repeatedly claim, why did Republican electors from the states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico vote Trump in the electoral college; while in Michigan two separate slates of electors were cast: 16 for Trump and 16 for Biden? If the Biden win was as clear cut as the idiots insist, wouldn’t the voting have been unanimously Biden? Can hundreds of credible American senators be wrong?
For democracy to prevail, Republican senators had to keep the legal challenges relating to serious allegations of voter fraud alive — despite moving into uncharted territory.

“It is unclear if all of the Republican electors in the five states were formally certified. Either way, Congress is likely to end up with competing slates of electors come Jan. 6, when the two chambers are scheduled to count the votes. While a process exists to resolve disputes between duelling electors, it has never been tested in the courts.

Approving a set of electors would require the majority in both chambers. The balance of power in the Senate will be determined by the results of the two runoff elections in Georgia. Should Democrats win both seats, a 50-50 tie in the Senate would hand the tiebreaker vote to the vice president. If lawmakers cannot agree on a set of electors, the country will find itself in uncharted territory, which may prompt intervention from the Supreme Court. If history is a guide, the state delegations in the House may have to pick a president. Republicans have the majority of delegations.”

Epoch Times

An outstanding piece of investigative journalism titled “Who’s Stealing America?” was researched and presented by Joshua Phillip for the Epoch Times.

Specific allegations of voter fraud led Phillip to say “I believe the media has a responsibility to start looking at this [vote fraud] very, very seriously”. Well, why don’t they?

The answer may be same answer as that provided by an IT professional when asked why probing questions were not asked of Dominion Voting Machines during the Michigan senate hearing. IT professional Garland Favourito of Voter GA said:

“The opening statement by CEO John Poulos, claiming it is technologically impossible for a voting system like Dominion to flip votes in real time, has already been proven to be BLATANTLY FALSE by many American computer scientists. I can state categorically, based on my career IT experience and 16 years of non-partisan voting system research, that any voting system can be programmed in advance to flip votes in real time. Mr. Polous may be able to fool members of a legislature or the media but he cannot fool Election Integrity advocates who are IT professionals.

Brutal as it sounds, these legislators, even though Republicans, didn’t really want to know the truth. It was inconvenient for them because they would have to act in a situation that is wildly contentious. They would prefer the status quo ante, business as usual, an easier life than confrontation. All they needed to do was look good for their constituents.”

The Epoch Times

Public servants simply don’t care about morality, they care about appearances and keeping their jobs. The MSM are happy to help, as a moral responsibility to the public is no business of theirs. Consequently, figuratively speaking, our rabid media dogs deserve to be put down. It’s the humane thing to do.

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