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Every Courageous MP We Can Get Into Parliament Matters

Photo by Element5 Digital. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

As the New Zealand election looms, most agree that the current Labour coalition government is on the way out. No bad thing as we learn that their assaults on our health service include potentially thousands of doctors quietly exempted from covid jabs on condition of secrecy whilst at the same time some unjabbed patients have been told their life-saving organ transplants are to be denied until they are jabbed and boosted.

Remember, didn’t Prime Minister Hipkins just tell all of us we had a choice to get jabbed or not?  We are used to advocating for jab injured and bereaved, but he didn’t say that refusing the jab might lead to a death sentence!

Issues of the 2023 New Zealand Election

NZDSOS has tried not to back any specific political party to take over, in an effort to be non-partisan.

However, this New Zealand election is deeply critical – not just to repair the damage of the last three years but to prevent a further slide into an anti-democratic and dystopian future, and there are some issues that we think are key:

  • Full, wide-ranging, independent-of-government inquiry into covid response;
  • Acknowledge, investigate, treat, and compensate the vaccine-injured and bereaved;
  • Remove NZ from WHO, UN and WEF urgently, with their attempts to remove our freedoms and sovereignty;
  • Repeal TPB and Coroners Amendment Act;
  • Uphold and entrench BORA and Human Rights, Nuremberg code etc;
  • Revamp health practitioners’ regulatory system, and restore ethics and scientific debate;
  • Declare a moratorium on future mandates and on the proposed deregulation of GM drugs and agricultural products;
  • Wind back the gender ideology and early sexualisation used to undermine families and our children’s sense of self.

It is time to be very pragmatic and look for a party supporting publicly all the above, but with a realistic chance of gaining enough power to stop the juggernaut we have all been fighting since 2020.

Look at all the party policies and candidates, and what they are saying publicly.

For instance, National’s Chris Luxon, the man who would be the next PM, states all childhood vaccinations are to be made mandatory; that the 90% ( alleged) covid vaccination rates already forced on many people are still not good enough; but all unjabbed health staff can return to work if they will test every day!

Worse still, he said yesterday that he didn’t want unjabbed people to vote for him! We’re sure he will get his wish, and that the many jab forced and regretful have heard him too.

Luxon has ignored that the jabs don’t work, and even less so against the current variants anyway.  He replied with an emphatic ‘NO’ to the question of whether those with legitimate vaccine injuries should be compensated.

At least the current outgoing PM admitted the ACC pathway for medical misadventure – though this is refused to many if not most.

Luxon and his main potential coalition partner would see more novel GM products are to be rushed in since the COVID jabs are so ‘wonderful’.

His health spokesman told us his main reason for denying the possibility of vaccine harm is that he was fine after his, so what’s the problem? This man is a doctor for goodness sake, and has expressed bemused concern over how busy hospitals are with sick people.

As we learn of urgent surgery being refused for the unjabbed here in NZ – in the same week we hear that hundreds of dissenting doctors were quietly exempted in return for their silence. Will he speak up for them, or wag the finger?

It seems none of these people who have been in parliament are ready to admit the problems of unprecedented dead and injured (young and old), both overall and following vaccination, turbo cancers, and the peer-reviewed publications proving the jabs cause widespread heart inflammation, (without symptoms in most) and here; are contaminated and inconsistent during production, and still pushed in NZ despite other countries backing off.

We know the jabs make things worse not better for the human immune system,  do insert into human DNA causing genetic modification – indeed seem specifically designed to do so – and can cause long-term presence of the modified RNA and prolonged production of spike protein – for at least six months according to a recent Italian study.

Labour is telling care home residents they saved the country from US and UK level covid death rates, but that is simply due to the milder virus that later arrived in our easily secured island nation. However, these variants are still infecting the jabbed, often over and over, and who suffer the burden of so-called ‘long covid’, more accurately called long spike.

A few politicians are starting to understand the catastrophic stand-down of medical ethics that was enabled, not by accident, and the fake propaganda visited on party leaders (and fear-mongering and reckless gamble with public well-being) by a few panicked or corrupted officials.

All MPs ought to know the actual truth as we and others have written to them often enough. Why didn’t they have a problem with ethical gold standards being demolished, and exemptions refused for those already jab injured?

We need to give these new candidates enough support to enact the strong public commitment they are making and acknowledge their admissions and apologies for being tricked early on.

The importance of rejecting the WHO IHR Amendments and Pandemic Treaty can’t be overstated.  It is not a matter of ‘not signing up’.

We are already signed up and if we don’t actively reject what the unelected and conflicted WHO has planned, we will be all-in without realising.  Many politicians do not seem to understand this or do not want to discuss it.

The UN is another unelected body that has lost its way and passed its use-by date.  NZ needs to sever ties with this globalist organisation.  The tentacles of the even more nefarious WEF reach far and wide and the influence of that organisation should have no place in NZ society.

NZDSOS is proud of all who have newly stood up and are genuine in their desire to lead us out of this dangerous mess, but we urge cool and pragmatic consideration of which party is most likely to get the most seats to achieve what we all hope for, even if you must hold your nose when voting.  Every awake and courageous MP we can get into parliament really matters.


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