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Everyone over the Age of 30 to Receive New Boosters

person holding clear glass bottle
Photo by Diana Polekhina. The BFD

Dr. Guy David Hatchard

Guy is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa. He was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. His published work uses the statistical methods of the physical sciences to analyse social data.

In a burst of psychopathic schizophrenia, the New Zealand government calls for everyone over the age of 30 to receive new boosters and simultaneously releases public health data showing that boosters are ineffective and deadly.

It is increasingly hard to make any sense of the New Zealand government’s Covid policy. A paper completed by our Ministry of Health and published in the Lancet found high rates of Myocarditis and Acute Kidney Injury associated with Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccination. Data released two days ago under an OIA (freedom of information) request shows that boosted individuals in NZ disproportionately contribute to record levels of all cause mortality (described by overseas commentators as devastating).

Yet Thursday Health Minister Ayesha Verrall announced a new Covid-19 vaccine as a booster for everyone over 30. It appears that die-hard vaccine fanatics have gained the upper hand in the circular Beehive corridors of power under new PM Chris Hipkins.

Verrall commented, “This is a really important thing for making sure our health system functions over winter. It will protect you, and your whanau”. What on earth is she talking about and which planet is she from?

Dr. Ian Town, Chief Science Advisor to the Ministry of Health said he “did not know exactly how long the new vaccine would protect people for”—he is certainly right, it doesn’t last very long and the more you do it the sicker you become. He doesn’t appear to be aware of his own department’s research.

In a blunder indicating his ignorance of the latest published research, Dr. Town described myocarditis as caused by long Covid, omitting to mention research that shows that Covid vaccines cause way more myocarditis than Covid infection.

Just in case Dr. Town and Minister Verrall have difficulty finding newly published Covid papers discussing the rapidly growing list of adverse effects following Covid vaccination, try these recently published journal papers:

The government should also bring themselves up to date with the increased rates of disability payments in the USA, it might be happening here. Considering the myopic devotion to Covid vaccination, I wonder whether anyone is even looking?

In summary, I am stunned at the lack of substance, caution, and humanity in the thinking of our government. Having embarked on a policy of universal Covid vaccination, they appear to be incapable of rationally assessing the impact of their policy and adjusting accordingly. This pushes against all accepted scientific standards and it leaves the public suffering in the dark.

Since an opportunity to publicly air concerns has been denied to those asking questions. Since the media is apparently paid to support the government. Since those who have publicly admitted to remaining unvaccinated are subject to repeated ad hominem attacks. Since government ministers and scientists are not prepared to debate the issues publicly. There is very little that can be said, except to announce an era of unreality.

It is certainly a creepy time to be alive in Godzone, especially if you are over the age of 30. No worries though, if you are under thirty and are feeling you want to spin the roulette wheel of death one more time, the government announced you can ask your GP to write you a prescription for yet another booster.

If you think I am sounding extreme or launching a conspiracy, just think—in addition to discussing official New Zealand Covid-19 data, I have referenced above eight scientific papers recently published in learned journals which raise serious concerns about Covid vaccine safety. Do you agree with your government’s instruction to get another booster? You shouldn’t. Ask your government and your newspapers to reference real science, rather than spouting political propaganda. They are misleading you with vacuous talk of safety and effectiveness.
