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Everything that is wrong with the liberal Left

Apparently, Trump is threatening violence on Twitter and should be banned, according to Linda Sarsour.

Women’s March co-chair Linda Sarsour claims that the President of the United States is putting people’s “lives in danger” when he tweets. Sarsour and other Women’s March activists are now lobbying Twitter to ban President Donald Trump from its platform. Representatives from the Women’s March brought several boxes of petitions to Twitter headquarters last week, calling on the company to ban the President of the United States from its platform.

Sarsour expressed her dismay to see that President Trump had called out Iran on Twitter last week, in which he stated, “If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again!” “The fact that we have a president that is actually calling for the elimination of Iran on Twitter is absolutely outrageous,” said Sarsour, “that really has to be the line that Twitter draws.”

Ah, is she for real? What Trump did was state a fact. There was no call to eliminate Iran.

[…]“We’ve gone through Twitter’s terms of service, we’ve gone through their hate conduct policies,” said a third Women’s March representative, “and we found tweets that correlate with — that demonstrate from Trump — that he’s actually violated all of those statutes, so, he’s threatened violence.”

According to whom?

“He’s literally threatened nuclear war with Iran, with North Korea, made violent threats against Iran, he’s shown videos edited to depict him literally, like, punching to the ground CNN,” she continued.

He literally hasn’t. I don’t see the word nuclear anywhere. And as for North Korea …

[…]“We’re not silencing him, we’re not trying to take away the platform he already has as President of the United States,” bizarrely stated the Woman’s March representative, moments before bringing the petitions to Twitter’s headquarters, seeking to ban the president from the social media platform.


This illustrates everything that is wrong with the liberal Left. They are so far gone they can’t even smell their own bullshit. Taking a platform away from someone is an attempt at silencing them. Further, they can’t even see that there is no way Twitter would ever ban Trump, as he would take his millions of followers to an alternative like Gab.

We see the same thing happening here, with the same people who are pushing for hate speech laws calling anything they don’t like “hate speech” while, according to their own definition, engaging in hate speech themselves.

Hate speech is now the new porn – “I can’t tell you what it is, but I know it when I see it.”

The liberal Trump-hating Left has officially lost all credibility. Turn them over, they’re done.
