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Probably smarter than AOC. The BFD.

Michael Crichton’s State of Fear revolves around the plot in which climate change zealots attempt to stage mass murder in order to publicise what they believe to be the dangers of global warming. Crichton’s particular plot device might sound far-fetched – but not by much, to anyone familiar with the violent catastrophism of eco-terrorists. We see, again and again, just how much the Krazy Klimate Kult are willing to lie and deceive in order to get their way.

In particular, they just love their puppets and stooges and trying to bamboozle the public with stage-managed PR stunts. Their current mascot, for instance, is the most carefully manufactured “child hero” since the Soviets crafted the Pavlik Morozov cult.

At the other end of the spectrum, the Klimate Kult have manufactured a fake council of greybeards in order to try and scare us into submission.

Climate activist Tim Flannery is the force behind a band of former state fire and emergency chiefs accusing Scott Morrison of abandoning­ bushfires across the nation and demanding an immediat­e end to the burning of fossil fuels.

The Australian has confirmed Emergency Leaders for Clima­te Action — 29 ex-fire chiefs led by former NSW Fire and Rescue commissioner Greg Mullins — is funded by Professor Flannery’s crowd-funded Climate Council as an official “project”.

Note the “crowd-funded”: after the Abbott government turned off Flannery’s pipeline of taxpayer’s money, the Great Predicto has had to shill for donations. Like all donation-hungry activists, Flannery desperately needs a constant stream of scare-stories and opportunistic stunts to convince the rubes to hand over the dosh.

A source close to the Climate Council claimed it was “largely a vehicle for Tim Flannery” […] [who] has sparked past criticism that he is an alarmist for urging that coal-fired power stations­ be shut down and for suggesting Perth could become the nation’s “first ghost town” based on its scarce water supply.

The chief executive of his Climate Council is Amanda McKenzie, a former board member of the Labor-linked Whitlam Institute and founder of the Australian Youth Climate Coalitio­n, the activist group that has sponsored climate change protests by schoolchildren in Canberra and other capital cities.

The “authoritativeness” of these “Emergency Leaders” can be judged by their readiness to trot out the same old deceptive alarmist talking-points.

Mr Mullins said on Tuesday it was “no good saying we’re only a small emitter” of carbon dioxide pollutio­n and it was “simply not true” when Australia ranked 17th in the world, and was the world’s No 5 emitter when coal exports were taken into account.

While it is true that Australia is ranked 17th, this is a grossly misleading comparison, because the top five emitters account for 65% of global emissions. China alone accounts for 30% of global emissions – and rising. Beyond those, every other country is responsible for a tiny fraction each of the remainder. There is less than 1% of difference between 17th-ranked Australian and 83rd-ranked Tunisia.

Taking coal exports into account is a particularly egregious bit of double-speak which lets shocking emitters like China and India off the hook.

Flannery’s little clown show is also completely ignoring the blunt admission of climate scientists (which Flannery is not) that the drought which is the actual cause of these fires cannot be linked to climate change.

Flannery can now add another strike to his appalling record of dud predictions and Chicken Little alarmism.
