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Experts: Trust Me, I’m Lying to You

epidemiologist Rod Jackson

The other day I pointed out the lies from the ‘Podium of Truth’. This article could be considered part two in a series highlighting the downright lies, the disinformation and the gas-lighting currently underway regarding vaccines, from people who the media dare to label ‘experts’.

Let’s ignore for a moment the outlandish and erroneous models that Shaun Hendy and other useful idiots peddle. Instead let’s look at the increasingly bizarre rants from Rod Jackson, another ‘expert’ that the media rely on to gas-light us all.

“Viruses just do what they want to do and will do anything to survive,” he says. “They will sneak anywhere and Delta is particularly sneaky because it’s so contagious, so basically if we don’t get vaccinated everyone will get COVID, so every New Zealander will either be vaccinated or get COVID. There is no other way.


He’s been peddling that line for a couple of days now, along with suitably scary doomsday scenarios.

This brings me to the Malaghan Insitute which is pushing this graphic from The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners and quoting Rod Jackson:

As Prof Rod Jackson said recently, almost every Kiwi is going to get immunised against COVID-19 and there are two ways: the easy way – by the vaccine, and the hard way – by the virus.

These Vax Facts have been pulled together by a team of infectious disease, epidemiology and vaccine experts working with The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) to cut through some of the misinformation circulating about COVID-19.

If you’re going to share one thing on social media today, share this.

Malaghan Institute Facebook

This is a classic piece of disinformation but delivered in a ‘trust us, we know what we are talking about‘ manner. It is also based on a false premise that everyone gets a hard dose of Covid when the reality is a huge percentage of people don’t even know they’ve got it unless they get an invasive test, and then go home with little more than paracetamol as treatment.

The first claim on the graphic that “over 10 million people” have died from Covid so far is a lie. This lie is also pushed hard by Rod Jackson, most recently in his opinion piece in the NZ Herald:

New Zealand is currently in a race against time to get as many people immunised with the world’s most evaluated and safest Covid-19 vaccine. The alternative is the equivalent of compulsory immunisation by a virus that has already killed over 11 million people and has overwhelmed health services and destroyed people’s livelihoods worldwide.

NZ Herald

Both the 10 million and the 11 million claim are lies, promulgated by Rod Jackson, The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners and whichever complicit and corrupt media lets them get away with these lies.

A day earlier than Jackson’s lie in the NZ Herald, Stuff published an article with a headline that stated


that five million have died from Covid so far.

Stuff headline
The global death toll from Covid-19 topped 5 million on Monday, less than two years into a crisis that has not only devastated poor countries but also humbled wealthy ones with first-rate health care systems.


Clearly, someone is lying. They can’t all be right. The World-O-Meter site which tracks statistics from all countries puts the total just over five million.

Even WHO’s website puts the number just over the five million mark.

So, who are you going to believe? Rod Jackson and The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners’ fanciful numbers that are over double the facts? Or WHO who clearly says that the death toll is a smidge over five million.

And that is just the first item on their list that they want everyone to share on social media. Point three is also specious, assuming absolutely every single person in the world will contract Covid, which is why we need vaccines. They conveniently ignore the growing mountain of evidence that even if you are vaccinated you most definitely are NOT immune, and can catch and spread the virus.

Two claims in their seven points are thoroughly wrong, one an outright lie and the other specious in the extreme.

Point four is also specious. We’ve been repeatedly told that this virus doesn’t discriminate, but it does hunt down the un-vaccinated, so it does seem to be somewhat discerning. How will the virus disproportionately affect Maori and Pasifika? It can only be environmental factors rather than the virus specifically and deliberately going after them, poor housing, over-crowding, obesity, smoking and diabetes is the more likely underlying cause of Maori and Pasifika susceptibility to Covid, and no vaccine will stop that.

Point six is highly misleading and statistics now coming out of the UK, Israel and the US are proving this claim to be heroic.

The worldwide adverse effects of this vaccine make the adverse effects of all other vaccines combined look like rounding numbers. Point seven is patently untrue as well.

It is bad enough that politicians lie to us, but then we kind of expect that. But it is whole order of magnitude worse when trusted health professionals are deliberately lying too.

These errors are deliberate, and can’t be explained away by rounding errors, or slight exaggeration. They are deliberately false, and worse they are asking people to spread this on social media like it is gospel.

This is nothing short of malpractice, deliberate falsehoods, designed to mislead and to make you believe that lies are facts. They are not.

You are being gas-lit. You are being lied to. And the people you used to rely on to call out bullshit when they see it, the media, are the ones spreading the lies.

Trust us, not them. Only we are presenting all the facts so you can make your own mind up.

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