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Extent of School Drag Grooming Made Clear

If you think this is OK, you’re a Groomer. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Whoever heard of drag queens in school libraries five years ago? Suddenly, they’re everywhere. There’s a reason for that.

In 2019, Queer Theory academic and drag queen Harris Kornstein published a paper advocating “a drag pedagogy”. Kornstein explicitly stated that the purpose of Drag Queen Story Hour, which he founded, was to “teach children to live queerly”.

So, when we call it “grooming”, we’re not making it up. They’re literally telling us that that’s what it is.

The left being the mindless groupthinkers they are, flocked to obey their latest orders from the Thought Generals of the Long March.

Just in case you’re unaware of how pervasive the sickness of drag grooming has become, the sheer volume of screeching “Drag Story Time event cancelled!” stories from the mainstream media is the proof.

A drag queen story time event that was due to be held at a New South Wales library is the latest to be cancelled as a result of threats to staff.

ABC Australia
Several other local government areas have quietly followed suit, calling off family-friendly queer events planned for IDAHOBIT on 17 May.

Drag performer Dean Arcuri has had four events cancelled […] At least nine queer events, mostly drag storytime, have been cancelled in the past six months in Melbourne.

The Guardian

Obviously there’s good money in grooming kids, if nothing else.

Were any parents even aware that this sick fetishism was being peddled to their kids? According to one group of parents, the school did everything to keep it their little secret. Which is a classic groomer tactic.

One parent told the Herald Sun she “wasn’t opposed to diversity” but didn’t agree with this particular event.

Parents at a Mornington Peninsula school previously said they were not explicitly told about a drag queen reading stories to their primary-aged children […]

One parent told the Herald Sun such an event has never happened before at the Penbank primary campus and many parents did not know it was happening until it was revealed in the Herald Sun […]

“The term ‘drag queen’ was conspicuously absent from the newsletter, as if it were deliberately hidden,” the mother said.

“A number of families, including mine, were unaware of this forthcoming event until it was subtly announced in the recent newsletter. The announcement was so discreet that many families may not have understood its implications,” she said.

The mother said she did not think parents “have had the chance to make their own choice about the event”.

“I know of at least five families, including ours, who aren’t comfortable with this event. It seems only fair that parents should be fully informed about these events and given a choice as to whether their child will attend or not,” she said.

Herald Sun

Grooming children is characterised by several strategies. Two of the most notable are: gradually exposing children to sexualised material in order to convince them that it’s “normal”, “healthy” and “fun”; keeping secrets from parents or guardians, who would otherwise put a stop to it. If not involve the police.

Naturally, the mainstream media are screeching about “the far right”. In fact, as we see, it’s mostly the normal reaction of decent parents who are horrified to find out that heavily sexualised adult entertainment is being peddled to their children.

But, they are right about “the far right” — in the sense that anyone not on board with the Queer Theory grooming agenda is “far right”. Anti-Queer Theory activists have realised that the groomer left will not stop until they personally feel the weight of protests. Notably, Monash Council in Melbourne only cancelled its drag-for-children events when protesters turned out at a council meeting.

As Virginia’s “Mama Bears” showed, school councils are quickly cowed by just a couple of angry parents asking pointed questions. This is exactly what’s happening as panicked councils and schools run and hide from anti-groomer protesters.

So, ring around your local schools and find out who’s hosting groomer shows. Check the children’s shelves of your local library for “gender fairy” books.

Then get in their faces. Like all bullies, the cry-bullies of rainbow grooming quickly back down when anyone has the courage to stand up to them.


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