Black lives matter so much so that several race-based gangs have surrounded their headquarters with impenetrable security nets and armed themselves with illegal weaponry, and control lucrative drug cartels resulting in untold misery and death to many. But we should be grateful that none of these black lives own a red MAGA cap. That would be a step too far, and we should be thankful for small mercies. However some think differently.
The cap was a brilliant promotional tool for the Republican Party and it could be claimed that the message “Make America Great Again” resonated with many Americans’ desire to see their country prosper once more. This promotion succeeded in the election of the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, to the Presidency. Furthermore it spared America, and the world, of the indignity of having Hillary Clinton in office. And herein lies the issue. The socialist Democrats have demonised the cap and its message as the object that shattered their political aspirations.
We witnessed unparalleled vindictiveness from the supporters of Hillary Clinton. They could not comprehend that their candidate did not become President. What drove them into a state of delirium was not only the fact that Clinton was defeated, but defeated by Trump, the consummate capitalist, and the cap and its accompanying slogan, they assume, was the catalyst that swung the election. Like the swastika of Nazi Germany, the cap became the Democrats’ symbol of evil but without any justification nor logic. But logic has never been a strong suit for the socialists.
What is an even greater concern is how accommodating the media have become in embracing this fabricated hysteria. It appears that to own or wear this cap can apparently identify one as being active in, and supportive of, all the “isms” known to mankind. You risk dismissal from your employment, you risk your political profile and in extreme cases become the target of violence. But what is even worse is that one is expected to apologise for the offence you have committed by doing no more than wearing a cap which endorses a legitimate political party, and its legitimately elected President, but apparently they are the wrong party and the wrong President. And those who choose to apologise are cowards, for it is they who give legitimacy to the fabricated maneuvering of socialism and are just as much part of the problem as the activists themselves.
Socialists have decided that the cap is a symbol of racism, an invented supposition which only justifies another avenue for expressing outrage. “Make America Great Again” can’t be allowed under a Trump administration. But is the image of Trump standing in front of a Christian church holding a Bible any more or less offensive than Ardern wearying a hijab in a Muslim mosque? If what you wear on your head defines your character and Trump’s MAGA cap is a representation of active racism, then the same logic would suggest that Ardern, adorned in a hijab, is actively endorsing Islamic terrorism. She isn’t, of course, just as those who choose to wear or own a MAGA cap are not supporting oppression. But never let logic or fact intrude into the lives of those who suffer from the socialist derangement syndrome. After all, Black Power matters.
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