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Face of the Day

Born in Hamilton on March 8, 1922, George has seen a century of changes.

George Clark, the father of former Prime Minister Helen Clark, will mark a major milestone on March 8, when he celebrates his 103rd birthday.

The occasion will be celebrated by family and friends at his home in Waihī Beach, where he has lived for nearly four decades.

Born in Hamilton on March 8, 1922, George has seen a century of changes.

“It’s phenomenal, really,” Helen Clark said.

“Each of these birthdays since he turned 100 have been big milestones, and you never know which one will be the last. But Dad has a great determination to live, and right now, his goal is March 8.”

Helen said George’s family had grown in the past year with the birth of his 19th great-grandchild.

“His youngest daughter turned 65, and he had a great 102nd party. While this year’s may not be quite on the scale of the past due to his reduced strength, there’ll definitely be a big family turnout.”

NZ Herald
