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Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s first real reshuffle since coming to Government in 2017.
  • Phil Twyford loses his Housing portfolio
  • Phil Twyford gains the Economic development portfolio
  • Minister Megan Woods gains a hospital pass…the reset of the  KiwiFail KiwiBuild program. ( But has a team of ministers to assist her)
  • David Parker loses the Economic development portfolio
  • Kris Faafoi’s gains responsibility for Government Digital Services
  • Peeni Henare gains Civil Defence
  • Poto Williams is promoted to be a minister outside of cabinet with responsibly for Community & Voluntary Sector and as Associate Minister for Social Development, Immigration & Greater Christchurch Regeneration for the Christchurch Rebuild.
The portfolios allocated to her partner parties in Government were not able to be moved as they are set out in the written agreements which created the Government.

