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Gustav Kasselstrand
Swedish politician reported by police for “hate speech” for wanting to deport criminal migrants.
Leader of the right-wing Alternative For Sweden party Gustav Kasselstrand has been reported by the police for “hate speech”. This after he held a speech talking about deporting migrants who have committed crimes in Sweden.
Although the police have not given any details as to exactly what it was in the speech that was offensive, it is clear to party leader Gustav Kasselstrand that this is “political harassment”, pointing out that it is the police themselves who have reported him for “hate speech” while he was merely holding a political speech.
“We are going to investigate further whether what was said in the speech was hate speech”, says Carina Skagerlind, press spokesperson at the police […]

[…] Gustav Kasselstrand has commented to the GatewayPundit on the situation.

“The hate against groups of people [hate speech] law has long been used to criminalize and silence those critical of migration. Far-left extremists have often reported those critical of migration for hatred against groups of people [hate speech], but now it is the police themselves that have reported me. This despite I only talked about repatriation of migrants that have committed crimes. This is completely sick. I see this as political harassment. But I will not be silenced, instead I will continue to talk about the topic of repatriation, like always.”

This year Sweden has been dealing with a record number of explosions, 93 in just the first 5 months this year alone. And according to opposition leader Ulf Kristerson the number of shootings in Sweden is “extreme for a country not at war”.

