ARE YOU KIDDING? How can you give 11.7 million dollars to the Green School while schools are screaming out for money to fix leaky classrooms, not even mentioning the under-resourcing and behavioural support that is needed. This is totally unacceptable, elitist, and completely inequitable. It is a clear statement that you value the rich while actively keeping the low socio-economic schools in their place at the bottom of the heap.
I am totally insulted by this action, I am livid, hurt and want to scream until we are heard. “What about US!” What about our beautiful children who need you? This action makes the rich richer and says loud and clear that you have little regard for the state school system. You have given to those who already have so much and yet again left us hanging.
Come and visit us and I will take you on a tour. I’ll show you that what we have and the majority of any new upgrades and support for children in need comes from me applying for grants and extra funding. That is how I spend my week. Applying for grants.
That $11.7 million dollars would have given each state school in New Plymouth $500,000 each! Imagine what we could have done for our children with that? We could have provided a court that is not a slippery hazard, we could have up to date technology that works, we could have a roof that does not leak, we could have modern classes with modern furniture, we could resource our play based learning programme adequately, we could have a special needs unit adequately furnished and resourced. This is not just our school. This is the position that many many schools are in.
HOW DARE YOU? Stand by what you say – You say you want to help those in need. We NEED! You gave us $73,000 for upgrades. You give the Green School $11.7 million? Where’s the equity in that?
Is this emotional – Absolutely. You come and watch a teacher struggle with six ASD children, plus the rest of the class and limited support. You come and have a lesson in a classroom having to share outdated devices between 2 or 3 children. You come and see our reality and then tell us that you think the Green School need 11.7 million. It makes me feel sick.
Come and see us. Come and see the result of this thoughtless action on our children.
And overall thanks for telling us that we mean little to you. Thanks yet again for another kicking down. Your message is heard loud and clear.
Kealy Warren
Acting Principal, Marfell Community School, New Plymouth
The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Pixy