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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker
Greens co-leader James Shaw said the decision to support the funding of a private green school “was an error of judgment” and that he apologised for it.
But he said the mistake wasn’t one that would warrant his resignation as co-leader. He did say there was a risk that the Green Party wouldn’t make it back into Parliament.
This comes after days of criticism from the Greens’ voter bases, as well as the National Party, over the fact the private Taranaki school got $11.7 million.
“Well look, I feel terrible about how this has played out … I am wearing it personally,” he said.

Couple who called COVID-19 ‘manufactured natural disaster’ held ‘DNA activation’ event at Green School

[…] “We’re going to be laying down a crystal bed. Everyone will be bringing crystals from all around the world. We are going to be unifying them and bringing in this 5th dimensional consciousness,” Christof Melchizedek explained in a video.
[…] ‘”Maybe it’s the crystals that ensured this school miraculously got almost $12 million out of the Government,” said National’s education spokesperson Nicola Willis.’

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker
