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The BFD. James Shaw

Today’s face of the day James Shaw fits right in with the wacky unicorn riders. Often portrayed as the sensible corporate wing of the Green Party his latest policy announcement shows that he is as much of a unicorn rider as his co-leader Marama the C-word, Davidson.

The Greens have no concept of progress. They think taking our farms back to the dark ages is progress when there is a damn good reason why we no longer produce food that way. Just as everyone biking to work is a unicorn fantasy that is completely impractical their latest farming policy will do to our farmers what Jacinda did to the Oil and Gas industry.

They really don’t have a clue between them and I hope that this election that the Greens are decimated and never again return to the parliamentary benches.

The Green Party wants the country’s farmers to go back to what they call “sustainable, regenerative agriculture” and to ensure that they put a stake through our farmers’ hearts while they are at it they also want to put a levy on the fertilisers that enable farmers to efficiently mass-produce the produce we need to feed our population as well as other parts of the world.

Farmers are the backbone of New Zealand and the Greens are putting the boot into them just as the government has been recently been putting the boot into landlords.

I say down with the unicorn riders, let’s vote the Green Party out this October!
