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Head of Tokyo Olympics Yoshiro Mori. Image credit The BFD.

Today’s face of the day Head of the Tokyo Olympics, Yoshiro Mori is an excellent example of how to stand up to Cancel Culture Activism.

He apologised for what he said about women ( which personally I thought was funny) but then he refused to resign despite pressure to do so.

Cancel Culture activists only have power if you give it to them.

What makes their Jihad against Yoshiro Mori particularly galling is that while they protest about an old man commenting that women talk too much (we do) and demand his resignation they do not bat an eyelid that the Olympics allow trans women ( biological men) to compete against women.

Talk about a storm in a green tea cup!

Head of Tokyo Olympics Apologises but Won’t Resign after Saying Women Talk Too Much in Meetings

Head of Tokyo Olympics Yoshiro Mori. Image credit The BFD.

Read the full article here. Comment on it on The BFD.


State of the Nation 2025

State of the Nation 2025

That government agencies are effectively thumbing their noses at official directives and getting away with it without consequences is totally unacceptable. Until the coalition confronts and defeats this ‘enemy within’, their own policy platform remains largely ineffective.

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