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Jacinda Ardern LEGO mini-figurine. Source:

Yes, it has finally happened. I guess when you prefer the company of children to adults and make decisions that seriously impact the future of adult New Zealanders off the back of a child’s letter written with a crayon it is only a matter of time before you get turned into a child’s toy.

We at The BFD would love one of these toys to play with. We are already imagining the possibilities for a video timeslot called “Political Playtime” or “Kindness with Jacinda”. Maybe “Jacinda reads the News.”

If anyone would like to purchase a little Lego Jacinda for The BFD to use for strictly Satirical purposes please drop me a line sb at the

When you make decisions that seriously impact the future of adult New Zealanders off the back of a child’s letter written with a crayon it is only a matter of time before you get turned into a child’s toy.

Read the full article here. Comment on it on The BFD.
