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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke
The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke
Police say the vast majority of people are sticking to level 4 lockdown rules.

Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner, said cops received 684 online breach notifications from the start of lockdown to 5pm yesterday.

About a third of the alleged breaches were from the Tamaki Makaurau area, roughly in line with Auckland’s share of the national population.

Of all reports nationwide, 322 were about gatherings, 320 about businesses and 42 about individuals.

NZ Herald

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How Gaming Can Save Civilisation

How Gaming Can Save Civilisation

These masculine characteristics lead to expressions of nationalism and patriotism. Perhaps it is for these reasons that the military is now using games as a recruiting tool. It seems as if gaming may be part of the push back in the culture war and the fight to save our civilisation.

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