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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke
Speaker Trevor Mallard has hit out at expat journalist Dan Wootton after the outspoken columnist took aim at New Zealand’s Covid response and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s leadership.

Wootton had used his regular column in Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper to take an extended swipe at his country of birth.

In the column headlined “My cowed fellow Kiwis will call me a traitor but Prime Minister Ardern’s crazy Covid-zero policy – when the rest of the world is learning to live with it – is cruel, deluded and doomed to failure”, Wootton called the latest red-level announcement a “myopic response” and claims New Zealanders are being “brainwashed”.

NZ Herald

Read the article in full here. Comment on it on The BFD.

Cartoon credit SonovaMin
