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The BFD Face of the day. Do you recognise this police officer?

Do you recognise this Police Officer?

He is not putting out a fire.

Face of the day. Do you recognise this police officer?
This Police officer is targeting Media who are filming what is happening below. The BFD.

The Police have been asking for video and photographic evidence of criminal behaviour. We have lots of it but the only problem is that it is evidence of Police officers breaking the law.

Take today’s face of the day for example.

  1. He is illegally using a fire extinguisher as a crowd control weapon.
  2. Certain types of fire extinguishers are very dangerous as they can suffocate the person sprayed with them.
  3. He was targeting someone up high who could have easily fallen and been killed while blinded and suffocated by the powder.
  4. He was targeting media who were recording Police actions below with a camera on a tri pod.

If you would like to assist Police by providing other examples of criminal behaviour why not take the time to helpfully send them evidence of Police violence and other illegal acts?

If they want snitches why not be a snitch…on the police?

After all, they are the ones who initiated violence on peaceful protesters and broke countless rules such as the indiscriminate use of pepper spray against all Police protocols and guidelines. Not to mention using tear gas and rubber bullets and taking the fire hoses off firemen to use them on protesters as unauthorised weapons.

Hells teeth we even have video evidence of Police throwing bricks at protesters!

Someone needs to tell them that they are supposed to be the good guys!

Police Snitch line.
