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Club president Joe Toner. Image credit The BFD.
A Christchurch golf club has had anti-mandate messages scoured into its green […]

Sometime in the past week, metres-long messages like “freedom”, “no mandates”, and “discrimination is not ok”, were sprayed into two of the Hagley Golf Club’s fairways and its first tee, with weedkiller.

Club president Joe Toner said he was quite perplexed […]

He was unsure why the golf club was targeted


Hmm… I think there was a pretty big clue there. Sports people up and down the country have been discriminated against by Golf clubs, Squash clubs, Tennis clubs, Gun clubs, Bowling clubs and more. They have cruelly been prevented from taking part in their favourite sports.

Is it possible that this Golf club is one of many who are choosing to discriminate against members on the basis of their personal, and private medical information? If they are, then there is no need for today’s face of the day to be perplexed.

Read more here. Discuss it on The BFD.
