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Police Commissioner Andrew Coster. Image credit The BFD.
Police Commissioner Andrew Coster told RNZ he didn’t know whether a national induction and mentoring programme had yet been implemented.

But Coster, whose 25 year career includes a stint as AOS commander in Auckland, says AOS training is excellent.

“Our AOS staff are highly trained and highly competent, and I’ve never felt safer in my career than when I was working alongside those people, even though we were going to some of the most dangerous situations.”

RNZ’s investigative series Licence to Kill has found that New Zealand police have shot dead 39 people since 1990.

[…] New Zealand Police College training is just 16 weeks long – one of the shortest police training courses in the world.

According to a report by the Institute for Criminal Justice Training Reform, New Zealand’s 16 weeks aligns it with the US near the bottom of its league table.


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