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Police Minister Poto Williams. Image credit The BFD.
Police Minister Poto Williams has refused to let National’s police spokesman meet the Commissioner or any district commanders, saying cops are too busy for him.

[…] “She is being petulant and vindictive and making it personal because I am doing my job in holding her to account,” Mitchell told Newstalk ZB.

“It may be uncomfortable being told I don’t think she’s very good at her job and I don’t think she’s across her portfolio, but for her now to use her political power and position in government to start blocking me from meetings – that’s Third World stuff.”

Mitchell told the Mike Hosking Breakfast: “She may as well go and join the Cabinet in Somalia.”

[…] Williams said […]  it was for her to make decisions on a case-by-case basis.

“I think the police have been quite busy in the last few months, so in this case I’ve decided [against it].

[…] She said police had not told her they were too busy for a meeting but “as Minister of Police I have an understanding of what police are going through at the moment”.

NZ Herald

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