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Image credit The BFD.
Mike is hated by the Wellington Bureaucracy for highlighting their incompetence and making them look like the callous wankers they are.

Mike is offering counselling services at a fraction of the price that the Wellington Bureaucracy offers and because he’s done such an excellent job of exposing their vested interests, he will never ever receive any money for his proposals because that’s what happens when you cross the Wellington Bureaucracy.

Labour are gutless cowards and have no capacity to force the Wellington Bureaucracy to engage meaningfully with Mike because they are too frightened to bring tasers to the sensitive parts of the Wellington Bureaucracy to compel them to be transformative.

If Luxon wants to win the 2023 election, he simply needs to hold a press conference with Mike, tell the Press that the first thing his National Government will be doing is force the Wellington Bureaucracy to give Mike a contract and watch Labour scream in vain.

The Daily Blog
