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Image credit The BFD.

How to destroy a NZ business in three easy steps.

  1. Designate the only producer of plasterboard in New Zealand as NOT an essential industry and force them to completely stop production.
  2. After months of lockdown wonder why the building industry is now in crisis.
  3. Pat the final shovel load of dirt over the plasterboard business’s coffin by changing the rules to allow plasterboard products made overseas into the country and by asking the business to cut their own throat by not enforcing their trademarks!
In her letter to Taylor, the minister said she understood Fletcher Building is “as eager as the Government to find solutions” and asked if it would “not enforce its trademarks it has to protect the use of colours for its Winstone Wallboards GIB products”.

She said it would be in the public’s benefit for such a commitment to come as soon as possible and ideally within a week.


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