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Cooper then said: “You write in the book, ‘I’d often say it to myself first thing in the morning, Maybe this is the day. Maybe this is the day that she’s gonna reappear’.”

”Yeah, hope. I had huge amounts of hope,” the Duke replied.

Harry also revealed he went through files on his mother’s death to look for “proof”.

”Proof that she was in the car. Proof that she was injured. And proof that the very paparazzi that chased her into the tunnel were the ones that were taking photographs – photographs of her lying half dead on the back seat of the car.”

Cooper says: “You write in the book, ‘I hadn’t been aware before this moment,’ talking about looking at the pictures of the crash scene, ‘that the last thing Mummy saw on this earth was a flash bulb’.

”The pictures showed the reflection of a group of photographers taking photographs through the window, and the reflection on the window was them,” said the Duke.


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