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Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt
“The Human Rights Commission’s (HRC) spent $1.3 million on its ‘give nothing to racism campaign,’ but won’t even comment on the blatant racism in Tusiata Avia’s poem. It’s double standards shows the HRC is ineffective, unprincipled and needs to go,” says ACT Leader David Seymour. […]

Newshub reports that the HRC’s Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon had nothing to say when asked about the work. If the commissioner refuses to comment on genuine instances of racism, then what exactly is the point of his role, or the HRC for that matter? […]

“Taxpayers are funding an organisation that only speaks up when something fits its left-wing agenda. It is no longer interested in helping real people with actual human rights issues, or combatting racism.

“The Race Relations Commissioner was quick to label NZ Police as racist over his concerns with Police Ten 7, and he had no issues laying into Simon Henry over his remarks about Nadia Lim, he also had a go at Amy Adams for getting a colleague’s ethnicity wrong by mistake. Why is he so reluctant to speak up when someone is inciting violence against an ethnicity? […]

“If they refuse to represent all New Zealanders and not just those that fit into their ideological bubble then taxpayers shouldn’t be funding them.”

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