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Windsock. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker.

Last week, the media claimed National’s candidate for Maungakiekie, Greg Fleming, had said civil unions were in line with polygamy and incest. When asked his thoughts, Christopher Luxon “sang the media tune … and rebuked Fleming”.

And it’s not the first time that a National MP or candidate has had to lockstep with the party view.

Remember the rebuke of Maureen Pugh for daring to question climate alarmism.

Remember the rebuke of Simon O’Connor for daring to suggest the unborn child gaining rights in the US was a good thing. […]

If you think this whole debate, the attack on Greg Fleming, the capitulation by Christopher Luxon on marriage, and abortion and gender identity ideology is just about the right for same sex couples to get married because love is love – think again. You may be asleep.

Now we have drag queens targeting children with sexualised performances, and children being told they can change their sex with chemicals, castration and preferred pronouns – and that they have more than 200 sexualities to choose from.

The weakening and redefining of marriage was just the start.

But if you hold that view in National, you are persona non-grata.

The real issue is – where do social conservatives vote in order to have a voice in Parliament? The options are fast disappearing – and that should concern us all.

Bob McCoskrie

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