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Suffer the children:

The mother of 10-month-old Chance Kamanaka O Ke Akura Aipolani-Nielson has told the court she didn’t believe her baby had stopped breathing when she got the call from her sister.

“I didn’t want to believe that it was,” Chance’s mother tearfully told the High Court at Auckland on Tuesday.

On December 15, 2021, Chance woke up a healthy baby boy at the Birkdale home he shared with his mother, aunt, uncle and four cousins, prosecutor Frances Rhodes told the jury in opening.

He would die two days later at Starship Children’s Hospital with catastrophic head injuries which the Crown say were caused by his uncle, Boston Wilson.

But Wilson’s lawyer Lorraine Smith previously told the jury his actions were accidental. Wilson never intended to kill or cause serious injury to Chance that day, Smith said.

Wilson has pleaded not guilty to murder.


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