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Sonny Bill Williams has signed with English Super League newcomers Toronto Wolfpack, according to reports.
Australian broadcaster 9 News is reporting that Williams has signed a two-year deal with the club, worth $10 million.
At the weekend, it was revealed Williams would be offered a stake in the club, should he sign.
Williams’ contract with New Zealand Rugby is up, but the 34-year-old has yet to confirm the move.
According to the 9 News report, the signing sees Williams become rugby league’s highest-paid player.


BFD reader reaction to the news:

“Sounds like the start on a non-PC joke, but it isn’t: ‘lone Muslim joins a Wolfpack and everyone’s happy for once’. Well, all bad jokes aside, one thing is for sure, the ABs will be a happier environment without him.”

“I wish him all the best over there and hope they keep renewing his contract.”

“Money Bill – unerringly consistent; following the money.
At $10m they may be expecting him to drop the show pony act and perform though.”

“Will be interesting to see whether they permit him to hold his prayer meeting on the paddock before a game. Will also be interesting to see whether he has to sing the national anthem.”

“I think it is about the show pony act, publicity, as they could have bought a dozen good NRL players for 2 years with that money and taken out the title x2.”

“Trudeau may have tossed in a bit of Canadian taxpayers’ money as he, like our unelected PTPM, is a devout supporter of Islam.”
