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Ricardo Menendez March. Photoshopped image credit: The BFD.

Yesterday, the Green Party launched a policy on making dental treatment more readily available and free for all, not just those under the age of 18. The party wants to see dental vans and mobile clinics increase to 398.

Health spokesperson Ricardo Menéndez March said an estimated 40 per cent of adults cannot afford dental care, while for Maori and Pasifika the figure is more than 50 per cent. […]

March said they would provide enough funding for an extra 300 units. These cost between $300,000 and $500,000 per unit, so the package would cost $150 million over four years.

NZ Herald

The party has also indicated the cost of dental care would be met by its proposed wealth tax. When asked yesterday, Prime Minister Chris Hipkins again reiterated he would not introduce a wealth tax: “No, it’s not something we’re going to be doing in the next term of government.”

Read more here. Discuss it on the BFD.
