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Doctors told Rotorua man Matthew Keogan to “let nature take its course” and then say goodbye to his family.

Two days later on November 1, 2021, he was writing his will at his hospital bedside with lawyers.

He had been given three to six months to live.

“You sort of think of cancer as a death sentence. Once you’ve got cancer you’re gone,” Keogan said.

But his oncologist suggested he try Pembrolizumab, known by the brand name Keytruda, a non-funded cancer immunotherapy medicine.

The result has been miraculous.

With the help of his medical insurance, Keogan, 51, has had 24 Keytruda infusions over the past two years costing more than $113,000. Each early round of Keytruda costs $9745.10. From the 10th round, each infusion cost $1700.

Keogan’s most recent infusion was last week and on Tuesday doctors said his scans were mostly clear of cancer cells.

He remains in remission and hopes his oncologist will today tell him that 2024 will be a treatment-free year.

One year and 10 months later, Keogan feels he has “beaten the odds” with cancer.

NZ Herald

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