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Veteran padre Rev Bill Chapman, or Father Bill as he is most-known, is stepping down from parish duties. Photo / Paul Taylor
Veteran padre Rev Bill Chapman, or Father Bill as he is most-known, is in the right place to keep-on keeping-on stepping down from parish duties.

Covering three parishes was getting a bit much to do, at the age of 79, he confirmed after being farewelled by the flock at Crownthorpe on Sunday “I’m alive”, has “one more to go”, at Puketapu, but “The Bishop” has issued him a licence as a veterans’ padre, so that he will continue meeting the spiritual needs of those who’ve been in the defence forces, among them those who’ve been to war.

“In particular, Vietnam…and the Navy,” he says, as the convivialities started at Matapiro Hall following his final service in the 102-years-old St George’s Memorial Chapel at Crownthorpe.

NZ Herald

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