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Transport Minister Simeon Brown. The BFD.
“I understand that some local authorities have been developing programmes with NZTA and other stakeholders to reduce vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT) by the light vehicle fleet, using funding from the Climate Emergency Response Fund,” [Transport Minister Simeon Brown wrote].

“I have given notice to NZTA to end its work on these programmes, and to not commit any further funding to local authorities (beyond existing contractual obligations) to develop these programmes. […]

“The VKT reduction plans which were under development were typical of the previous Government’s approach to transport, wasting taxpayers’ money on endless reports, rather than investing in the infrastructure we need,” he said.

“My priority in transport is to build and maintain the roading network so that we can have a safe, efficient and productive transport network which helps Kiwis get where they need to go, quickly and safely.”

NZ Herald

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