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Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters gave a state of the nation speech yesterday.

For roughly the first half hour of his speech, Peters took jabs at both the previous Labour Government and the current opposition composed of Labour, the Greens and Te Pati Maori.

“There’s no sugarcoating, we inherited a broken economy,” he said.

“Labour cared more about feelings and ideology than the journey to governing our country.”

He took jabs at the previous government’s “race-based theory”, alluding to co-governance, “where some people’s DNA … made them somehow better than others”. […]

Peters also took aim at the Green Party, calling it “hopelessly incompetent” and targeting “this latest [MP to leave Parliament] with a moko on her chin”, alluding to Darleen Tana, who was suspended last week amidst migrant exploitation allegations against her husband’s business.

The Deputy PM took aim at the three left bloc parties in Parliament throughout his speech, addressing them with terms such as “leftist groupthink”, “woke cultural Marxism”, “ideological crusades” and saying they were competing to see “who can be the most culturally woke”.

Peters also addressed recent media job losses between TVNZ and Newshub, calling it “obviously devastating” for those who are set to be made redundant.

“It’s also seriously concerning for the robustness of our local media landscape in particular,” he said, suggesting the country’s largest media organisations are in need of “serious self-reflection”.

In the latter half of his speech, he began laying out NZ First’s priorities to the packed room, the loudest applause being for proposals to make English the official language of New Zealand, and removing lessons about gender and sexuality from school curriculum’s [sic].


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