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Transport Minister Simeon Brown. The BFD.
Many of the 3100 Auckland roads with speed reductions since 2020 look set to be reversed under what Transport Minister Simeon Brown calls “nanny state” regulations to slow motorists down.

On Thursday, Brown announced he is proceeding with an election promise to reverse the previous Labour Government’s blanket speed reductions on state highways and urban roads.

The reductions resulted in speed limits dropping from 100km/h to 80km/h on many state highways, and from 50km/h to 30km/h on many urban roads. […]

“Aucklanders have also become increasingly frustrated by the persistent slowdown in their daily commutes through hundreds of speed bumps being put on our roads and want a different approach.

“The new rules will ensure that when speed limits are set, economic impacts, including travel times, and the views of road users and local communities are taken into account, alongside safety,” he said. […]

The new rule is going out for public consultation mid-year and approved by Brown later in the year. AT and other road-controlling authorities will have until the end of 2025 to reverse speeds.

NZ Herald

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