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A Hamilton city councillor has written an offensive, expletive-laden rant to a neighbouring council.

He says he wrote it that way intentionally, to get the attention of Waipa mayor Susan O’Regan.

Hamilton mayor Paula Southgate has made a formal complaint about the conduct, which is set to be investigated by lawyers.

But councillor Andrew Bydder is unapologetic and says he stands by his comments, made in a submission to Waipa District Council over the placement of a third bridge in Cambridge, which asked: “What the f**k are you r******d s*****c c**ts doing?”

Bydder – who lives and pays rates in Cambridge – also wrote that outgoing Waipa chief executive Garry Dyet “better be sacked before he retires”.

“You have learned nothing from the dogs and the innovating street bullshit,” Bydder wrote.


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