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Facebook Have STOPPED The BFD Posting for 24 hours: Want to know WHY?


How messed up is this dear readers? Our article about Tommy Robinson a man who won an International Free speech award is censored by Facebook because Facebook considers him ( and by extension Free speech) to be dangerous!

Tommy Robinson is a good man who has been persecuted by the Legacy media, the law and his government. His fight for free speech has been recognised overseas. The fact that Facebook is preventing The BFD from publishing his name and his image is terrifying. This is a full-frontal attack on Free Speech by Facebook.

The BFD.

Our report on Tommy Robinson winning the award was a factual one that didn’t contain praise but just stated the facts. Objectively we have not broken any of the rules below.

Even if we had praised him by no objective standard is Tommy dangerous unless they consider his ideas about free speech to be dangerous?

The BFD.

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