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Facebook success in the hate-speech war

Paul Joseph Watson aka Enemy #1

Paul Joseph Watson, he of the map-backed videos, has been banned from Facebook and its sister platform, Instagram.  Paul discusses this on the Human Events site:

Last week I was permanently banned by Facebook for being a “dangerous person”. I found out about it not through Facebook, which failed to even send me a single email, but through media reports.

They’ve put me in the same category as Louis Farrakhan, a man who compared Jews to termites and once described Adolf Hitler as a “very great man”.
To whom am I a danger, precisely? Mark Zuckerberg?
The Instagram (owned by Facebook) ban was even “funnier” given my page consisted mainly of selfies and videos of myself and my girlfriend feeding ducks. Super dangerous.

But as humorous as it is, I take exception to being defamed as a “dangerous person”.

To whom am I a danger, precisely? Mark Zuckerberg? A billionaire who wants to create a cult out of 2.4 billion people? A creepy oligarch who wants to dictate the thoughts that can be expressed by a third of the earth’s entire population? Who’s the bigger danger?
In tandem with this ban, Facebook instituted a new policy which states if you post material about people Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t like, it will be removed and you may be banned. Talk about a dangerous […] egotist.

Holocaust denial? Still fine and rife across the platform. But defend Alex Jones or share an InfoWars link and you’re in big, big trouble.

And according to the new left, it is now “progressive” to allow a handful of corporate monopolists to control who has free speech and what opinions they can communicate. What was the point of the trials of humanity over the past 300 years if we were just going to end up with some little nerds in California dictating the terms of human civilization to us from behind their MacBook screens?

There’s also the absurdity of knowing that if someone who makes sardonic videos and snarky social media posts is that much of a threat to your establishment then your establishment must be really quite pathetic. I mean I’m hardly Robespierre. I make YouTube videos laughing at modern art and scoffing at brutalist architecture. If I’m that much of a “danger” to society, that’s more an illustration of how coddled and cowed western society has become.

CNN also labeled me an “extremist”, which I also take exception with. I refuse to be defamed as an “extremist”, too.

I have never advocated violence and I have never advocated “hate” against any individual or group. The establishment is putting me in the same category as human traffickers, serial killers, and terrorists. For what? Poking fun at pudgeball Michael Moore?

Media personalities glibly repeated this characterization without citing any evidence for their proclamations. I won’t allow that to stand. Maajid Nawaz was awarded over $3 million dollars after being falsely labeled an “extremist” by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Like Nawaz, I have received death threats from Islamists. You know, actual extremists. I won’t allow a target to be painted on my back, which is exactly what Facebook and CNN are trying to do, and it isn’t like they don’t know it.

Facebook will shortly be put on legal notice about the harm that their actions have caused and will be mandated to turn over all information and internal discussions as to why I was designated as a “dangerous” person and why I was banned. Lawyers tell me their behavior is “fairly extraordinary”.

Meanwhile, what is anyone actually doing to stop the rapacious social media censorship of conservatives?

While the President’s tweets about me last week were nice, tweets aren’t nearly enough. […]
End quote.

Human Events
