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Today Givealittle released our funds, in only 1 day you raised $40k to go towards our legal fund to fight these ridiculous mandates and to fight the fines!

Thank you Danielle for organising this for us, as we felt embarrassed asking for help. She took control and within a day you amazing people raised more than we could have thought


Thank you so much to everyone that gave koha, to everyone that contacted Givealittle to ask why our fund hadn’t been approved and to our lawyer for helping us secure the donations


This money means we will be able to engage with a legal team that will fight for us ALL !


We’ve been told that this battle could go the distance so we are so greatful that you have all given us a head start in our legal fund and shown us that NZ isn’t happy with being segregated and you want to fight too


Thank you from our family to yours, we are ready to fight these mandates and get the NZ back that we all love


Let’s do this


WorkSafe New Zealand came down to the gym tonight with 4 police officers (who were hiding around the corner in the car park next door) wanting to know why we are allowing unvaccinated people indoors to train.

We care for our community, unlike our government. We have kids in our classes who are on their last line of support, kicked out from their friends groups and from their other sports and activities.

Even though you are comfortable excluding kids, we aren’t going to turn our back on them.

We had a beautiful elderly woman come into our gym this morning asking if she was allowed to train, because her gym of 20 years has kicked her out. It was really sad, she said she never thought she wouldn’t be training there, she thought she would train there for the rest of her life – and she’s been kicked out.

Even if your comfortable kicking elderly out, we aren’t turning our back on our elderly community.

We have adults that have lost their jobs, careers, have had their studies cancelled, family lives turned upside down – because they choose medical freedom. Even though you want us to turn our back on them, we won’t ever turn our people away.

New Zealand’s suicide rates are sky rocketing, and you want us to kick people on the street and tell them unless they are vaccinated they aren’t welcome inside.

We have always been here for the community, we will continue to be there for our community – regardless of the squid game Jacinda wants us to play.

This isn’t a game, this is our country – we all need to stand up and say NO we won’t bully, NO we won’t be segregated, NO there aren’t two classes of people

